Thursday, August 13, 2009

Who Stole My Church? Part 2

As I have reflected on the book "Who Stole My Church?", I wonder how many pastors are out there trying to implement change in traditional churches in order to follow the mission God has given to each body of believers?

Being transparent, I knew coming to Riverside that God was going to have to change A LOT OF THINGS to make Riverside Church relevant in the world we live in. I told the pastor search committee don't bring me in if you don't want major change. In fact, the pastor search committee was down to 2 choices for their pastor, me and an older guy (in my mind probably past his prime) that would have probably delivered the status quo. The choice was clear for the committee, bring me in is a choice for change. Bring the other guy in is a choice for the same. The rest is history.

I came in as pastor and was accessing Riverside from top to bottom. Then hurricane Katrina hit and changed everything. We went from a country club ministry to an emergency room ministry with one named storm. Changes were happening minute by minute instead of over long periods of time. Riverside was being reshaped by adapting to an ever changing situation.

When things began to get to a new normal, many wanted Riverside to go back to exactly the way it had been. We could never go back. God had changed my heart and the heart of this church to minister in fresh and exciting ways. There was no going back. God was leading us in a new direction.

Whenever you have people and change, you have conflict. This was (and is) also true at Riverside Church. When a new pastor is preparing to come, change sounds good... in fact, it sounds good until YOU have to change something that is near and dear (or just comfortable) to you. Then change gets hard.

I have no regrets, absolutely none. I am not perfect but have followed God's leadership with respect to leading the body of believers at Riverside. God has a great plan for Riverside. God has given us a great mission and vision.

We have lost some people along the way and have also gained some folks. God is moving in fresh and exciting ways if we will just let go of stuff that doesn't mean anything and follow God. How about you?

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Who Stole My Church?

I just completed reading the book "Who Stole My Church?" by Gordon MacDonald. It is a work of fiction based in a very real setting. In fact, so real, it could have been written about Riverside Church.

The book chronicles the process of change in a church from the tradition of the past to a vibrant 21st century church. It speaks to the feelings and hurts of those caught in the middle of the change. I would recommend this book to anyone who is struggling with why church can't be the way it always was.

I don't want to give too much of the storyline away. You will be hearing more about the topics presented in this book in later blogs. Get a copy of the book and read it with me!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Interesting Verse

I was studying this morning for a part of a message I will be delivering on Sunday. I am actually going back to a verse that was in my message last Sunday but I did not have time to fully explain. The verse is Acts 2:38 (NASB95), "Peter said to them, “Repent, and each of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins; and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit."

Catholic thought takes this verse to mean that if you don't baptize (in their eyes sprinkle) babies (or anyone for that matter) and they die, they are dead in their sins and cannot go to heaven. Church of Christ followers believe this verse teaches that if you are not baptized after salvation, you cannot enter heaven. In other words, you must be baptized for salvation to be complete (baptismal regeneration).

When studying Scripture, there are a few rules that I follow when it comes to interpreting a passage. One of these rules is to NEVER take one verse by itself to make a doctrine or teaching. This is the only verse in the Bible where it apparently says you must be baptized to be saved. In fact, the rest of the New Testament scriptures point to salvation being by faith and faith alone in Jesus Christ. There is nothing else to corroborate this interpretation.

Therefore, when studying this verse, I look to the original Greek text to look for other possible meanings. The word "for" in this verse is the Greek transliterated "EIS." Many times, this word is translated as "for." But this word can just as easily (and still be hermeneutically correct) be translated "as a result of." In light of the rest of the New Testament I think the last half of this verse should be translated “Repent, and each of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ as a result of the forgiveness of your sins."

Wow, this verse makes so much more sense this way. Because we have been forgiven of our sins, we will want to be baptized... to be identified with Jesus Christ. It fits with the rest of the teaching of the New Testament. Let me know what you think!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Most Misinterpreted Passages in the Bible

God has me thinking. That's always a good thing. I have been thinking about a series of messages that will focus on the most misinterpreted and misunderstood passages in the Bible. I have a few in mind. What do you think? Do you have any passages I might consider? Reply and let me know!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Interesting Article

Last weeks conversation stopped after the last comments I shared with you in the previous blog. I hope you can see that God's motivation has always been love, never fear. He sent His Son not to avenge some need He had for power and control, but totally out of love for us to pay a price we could not pay. There is no law in the world we can keep to make Him love us.

He loves us just as much today (no matter our sin level or circumstances) as He ever will. His love motivation always points us to rely on Him instead of relying on ourselves. His loves motivates us to love Him and follow Him.

Fear is not a good long term motivator. Love is. God's love is always pouring out to you calling you to a more intimate walk with Him. Are you listening?

Thursday, June 25, 2009

I found this interesting article and conversation going on in Facebook and thought you might enjoy reading it...

Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God? By Scott Brittin (Jun 18th, 2009)
Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God?

By Scott Brittin (Jun 18th, 2009)

Jonathan Edwards (1703-1758), an evangelist from the early 1700's helped lead revival in early colonial America. "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" was the title of a famous sermon he delivered on July 8th 1741. Only four days after the 4th of July. Oops, sorry they had not invented Independence Day yet. That was still 35 years away. The story is told that as he gave the sermon (he actually read the sermon) people clung to the pillars and posts of the church building for fear of being dragged to hell and punished for their sins at the hands of an angry God. Are sinners in danger at the hands of an angry God? Is God angry at you? Romans 1:18-20 says "For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, because that which is known about God is evident within them; for God made it evident to them. For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse." According to this passage, the wrath of God is revealed, but whom is it revealed against? Paul tells us God's wrath is revealed against all ungodliness and unrightteousness. However, he doesn't leave it there. He specifies whose ungodliness. It is revealed against those who repress the truth of God. They deny the glory of God and instead glorify man. They are haters of God. Even though they know God, they will not acknowledge God. The wrath of God is revealed against the unsaved who repress the truth of God. Ephesians 2:4 tells us that before salvation we were "by nature children of wrath". Ephesians 5:5 tells us "the wrath is upon the children of disobedience?" In the context this is referring to the unsaved. Does God reveal His wrath against the saved? According to Romans 5:9 "Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through Him." Those who have been justified by Jesus' blood are saved from the wrath of God. God revealed His wrath against Jesus when Jesus became sin for us. God's justice and holiness were satisfied. How many sins were paid for? You know the answer to that. All of them, past, present and future. Were only the big sins paid for? No! The big sins, the little sins and the in between sins were all paid for. Yet we think God must be a little bit annoyed or disappointed with me when I commit the same sin for the hundredth time. If you are thinking that, you are bringing God down to your level. God knew all your sins. You cannot surprise God with some sin that He has not already taken care of. This does not mean God is happy with your sins that you commit yesterday, today or tomorrow. It grieves Him because He knows how it will hurt you and others. Sin still brings death to the believer-not spiritual death, but death in their soul and even body. Paul mentions in 1 Corinthians that some of the believers had died because of their sin. He uses the term they have "fallen asleep". There are still natural consequences to sin. If I insult my wife it will bring hurt, pain and potentially death to my relationship with my wife. But God's wrath will not and cannot be revealed against you. God is at peace with Himself and with you. The wrath of God was revealed against all unrighteousness and ungodliness when God put the sins of the world on Jesus. In 1830, George Wilson killed a mail worker in his attempt to rob the mail train. President Andrew Jackson pardoned George Wilson, the murderer and mail-train robber, forgiving what would have earned him a death sentence. Wilson, for some reason, refused this offer of pardon. After the Supreme Court decided there was no legal way to make him accept it, he was hanged. What a strange way for a man who is sentenced to death for his crime to respond to a pardon. Yet God has offered a pardon to all mankind by taking the consequences of our sins on Himself. So many refuse that pardon. God concurs with the Supreme Court. You cannot make a person accept the pardon. When a person refuses to acknowledge God and ignores the pardon, the wrath of God is revealed. It is not that God is even angry, Christ satisfied that anger. Yet George Wilson was still hung. The wrath of the government was revealed against George Wilson even though it had offered forgiveness. What about you? Have you received the pardon? If you have, are you still walking about as if God is angry with you, as if you are still waiting for the lightning bolt to hit you? Are you convinced God is out to get you, so you hide from God out of fear of His anger, believing He is still disappointed in you? Can you imagine if George Wilson had accepted the President's pardon, yet every day of his life he walked around looking over his shoulder for fear that the hangman was still pursuing him? Why not rest in the pardon. Rest in the love of God that was willing to sacrifice Himself to pay for your pardon. "Sinners in the Hands of An Angry God"? The question comes down to, "Is God angry"? Scripture says, "God is Love" (1 John 4:8) God did have anger toward the wicked, but because "God IS love" that anger was revealed against Christ on the cross. God so loved the world that He gave. What a shame for the unbeliever to not receive the love of God and the pardon and forgiveness of God. What a shame for the child of God to not embrace what is already his. "Sinners in the hands of an angry God" is fear motivated, but "sinners in the hands of a loving God" is life and peace if they will receive it. The members of Jonathan Edward's church clung to the pillars of the church for fear that they would be dragged to hell at the hands of an angry God. The reality is that we don't have to shy away from the hand of God but can cling to the tender hands of a loving God who will not let go of us nor let anyone snatch us out of His hands. The Gospel really is GOOD NEWS. The gospel is not saving us from God's anger, but saving us to experience God's love.
Lisa Love
Lisa Love
Thank you Phillip for this. I love God so much and I never fail to be in awe that He LOVES ME even more that I can comprehend!!! I AM FORGIVEN!!!! Again, I so appreciate all of your notes! God Bless you!!
John Fincher
John Fincher
Enjoyed this treatise. I've always wanted to read his sermon.
Damon W. Larimore
Damon W. Larimore
"The gospel is not saving us from God's anger, but saving us to experience God's love." What does that even mean?

Let's see...Jonathan Edwards helped lead revival -- I am assuming 'true' revival' -- in the hearts of men. Though we know that it is God that ultimately works in the hearts of men to repent and believe. Actually after seeing men and women fearful of their own shallow faith and possibly self-righteous and man-pleasing hearts, Jonathan himself was taken aback by the reaction of the congregation from this sermon. There was wailing and weeping occuring in men and women. He preached on God's Grace and Mercy as well. Yet he is known mostly for this Sermon.

Proverbs says 'The fear of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom' God IS Love. God is THE LAW. God is creator and JUDGE. He has many attributes that work together and don't contradict each other. How did God hate Esau?

I am glad to hear that God loves sinners and has no wrath left for them. No hell.
Jim Caldwell
Jim Caldwell
"The Gospel really is GOOD NEWS. The gospel is not saving us from God's anger, but saving us to experience God's love."
AMEN to that.

If your motivation to know God is to keep you from going to hell, the motivation probably will not last very long. Most people whom fear has been used as a tool to point them to God never truly become disciples. They never really KNOW God. If your motivation is to follow God because he wants an intimate love relationship with you, this motivation will last an eternity. That is the heart of God.

BTW Damon, God is NOT "THE LAW".
Damon W. Larimore
Damon W. Larimore
Well not the entire Law. Man made some of that up.

Like a sherrif is 'the law' to punish....lawbreakers. Like all of us who break His commandments.

If God is not the Law. Then God isn't judge. Then there is no sinner. then there is no hell. LOL That is good news.... Read More

When has fear become bad? It sure is spoken of alot in the Bible. When I quit 'fearing' 'my power tools is when I lose a finger. Bad analogy? It was not until I realized I was in danger of Hell that what God did for me on the Cross, broke my heart.

I was pretty happy in my sin and could really care less about God or whether God wanted a 'intimate love relationship.' I was having plenty of, now remorseful, intimate relationships. My own motivation to know God is absent of Holy Spirit. He opened my eyes to who he is and what He has done for me, despite my evil, loved me and gave mercy.
Mike Little
Mike Little
God is not "the law". Show me where the Bible says that. The Bible says that the law is good, but that it is a "tutor" to lead people to Christ. The law is the vehicle by which men and women know they have sinned. Before Christ, a person has no choice but to live by the law. Upon receiving Christ, a person can choose to live by "Christ in us, the hope of Glory". Christ indwells every believer and will live through them.

God made the tree, but He is not the tree. God made the earth, but he is not the earth. God created the law, but He is not the "law". I think a lot of Christians are law worshippers.

We want to make the law central (and have no other choice before coming to Christ), but God wants us to make Christ central.... Read More

Damon, I think Scott means that God's anger was fully taken care of on the cross, every sin atoned for - past, present and future. God's anger has been dealt with, but his love relationship with us is waiting on our response to his call.
Damon W. Larimore
Damon W. Larimore
My use of the word Law as saying God is the law, is to say God is the standard of Holiness, purity, and the standard of Good. Not the ten commandments that everyone is so hung up on and can't reconcile with Grace and mercy.

I am not a law worshipper.

The bible does say all have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God. What is that Glory? What is that standard? If not God, then whom? ... Read More

Who is the Law if not God? Who is the Judge if not God?
Jim Caldwell
Jim Caldwell

God's intention from the beginning was to have an "intimate love relationship" with each human just as He had with Adam and Eve before the fall.

Because of man's sinfulness, God already had the plan devised to send His Son to die for our sins. Not only our sins (plural), but to die to sin (singular) itself (2 Cor. 5:21).

God has always dealt with man through covenants (even though they are not used or understood very well in western culture today). A covenant is an agreement made by the superior party for the good of the weaker party. In other words, a totally selfless agreement.

The Old Covenant was given through Moses and consists of what we call the Ten Commandments and the rest of the Mosaic law. This covenant was for the Jewish people and has never saved anyone. God used this covenant to show the Jews that they could not attain the standards of God on their own. This covenant was used to point the Jews to their need for a Savior.

The New Covenant was ushered in through the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus. This is the only saving covenant.

Jesus paid for all our sins... past, present, and future. Therefore, we can live in fullness and freedom because of His great love, not out of fear of condemnation. Romans 8:1 says there is no condemnation left for us. Jesus took it all on the cross.

It is the love of God that compels us. We love, because He first loved us. God is not some cosmic sheriff just waiting for us to screw up. He is the life giving God that wants to live in each believer through the power of the Holy Spirit.

I will post more of this conversation as it unravels.... Jim

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Living Loved

Do you live like you're loved? So many of us live our lives not really sure of God's love for us. We say He loves us but many times we don't really act like it. We think that there is some set of standards we must live up to to "deserve" God's love. I am glad to tell you today that you are fully loved by God. In fact, God loves you just as much this moment as He ever will... and that's totally. When you begin to believe that you are truly loved you will live like it. When you live loved you lead and experience a full and fulfilling life. Is your life like that? Go and live loved!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Live on the Web

I am so excited. I'm putting the finishing touches on the new church web site and it's almost ready to go. Thanks to AP Greg Finch for the design. How many pastoral teams do you know that design and build their own web sites? Not many that look this good, I bet.

The web site is much easier to navigate than our current site. We have Google Friend Connect to connect you to your friends and the site. We have a wall for you to write your thoughts and comments about things going on at Riverside. Online messages are easier to find. Photos are easier to find. The look is just cleaner and sleeker.

I would love to hear what you think of the new web site. Post your comments on the wall. TTYL. Jim

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Life and Death

As I was studying today (BTW, I'm on a short study/seeking God trip to Baton Rouge), a passage popped out at me that I had never really noticed before. Not many people (except theologians and people reading through the Bible in a year) spend a lot of time in the book of Titus. I can say with assurance that I have not studied it in a long time (maybe since seminary and that was a long time ago). I was just listening to the Spirit when He said to turn to Titus. I said, O.....K...... (with a little hesitancy I might add).

Titus 3:4-7 (NASB95) says, "4 But when the kindness of God our Savior and His love for mankind appeared,
5 He saved us, not on the basis of deeds which we have done in righteousness, but according to His mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewing by the Holy Spirit,
6 whom He poured out upon us richly through Jesus Christ our Savior,
7 so that being justified by His grace we would be made heirs according to the hope of eternal life."

That's a lot of stuff!!! Look at this... He poured out His Spirit on us through Jesus. Man oh man! That's life!

Some people still think it is about what you do. If you keep some rules and come to church every Sunday (or at least some Sunday's) you are really OK with God. He will just wink at your sins and let you into heaven when this life is over. That's living in death. You will never get anywhere with God this way. Do you see v5, this can't be true. No deeds, rules, laws, or doing anything is gonna impress God.

He came to make us heirs of a Kingdom. The Kingdom of God. We so many times live like paupers when we are heirs of the King! Are you going to spend your life trying (futilely, I might add) to impress God. Wouldn't you rather just live in what He has already done for you!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Calvinism and Cancer

I am a Southern Baptist pastor and I see some things that are disturbing me greatly. There is a resurgence of Calvinism among young Southern Baptist pastors. Many come to churches and cover up the fact of where they stand on this theological position. They get into their churches by masking the fact of what they believe.

Here's the core of what they believe:
"Basically, Calvinism is known by an acronym: T.U.L.I.P.

Total Depravity (also known as Total Inability and Original Sin)
Unconditional Election
Limited Atonement (also known as Particular Atonement)
Irresistible Grace
Perseverance of the Saints (also known as Once Saved Always Saved)"1

The U, L, and I is where I have the most theological problem. In a nutshell, Calvinists' believe that God only died for the elect (the people that God chooses). If you are one of the chosen, you will come into a relationship with God. If you are not chosen, you have no chance at salvation. God condemns those to hell that He does not choose.

John 3:16 seems like the obvious Scripture to refute Calvinism, "(NASB95) For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever (emphasis mine) believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life." Of course, Calvinists have an answer as to why you can't take this verse at face value.

My ministry is based on the fact that everyone has value in the eyes of God. God wants none to perish but all to come to repentance. 2 Peter 3:9 (NASB95) "The Lord is not slow about His promise, as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance." Of course, Calvinists have an answer for this verse too.

I think it all comes down to the heart of God. Is God really a God of love? My life and ministry are turned over to God daily because I believe He loves everyone. The whole of Scripture tells that story. Not a story of some chosen and some not. That is NOT God's heart.

I had a long conversation with a dear friend today about some theological things, one of them being Calvinism. This person is in a situation where Calvinism is affecting them personally. This person is trying to decide how to respond in love through it.

I am very concerned about the spread of Calvinism in Southern Baptist circles. Calvinism spreads like a cancer. It is not God's heart.

More than anything, here is my biggest problem with Calvinism... if you believe what Calvinists believe... it means that God sends some people to hell. My God is a God of love. He wants us to choose to receive His love. When we respond to His call of love, we are changed from death to life. If we choose not to respond to His love, the consequence of that choice is eternal separation from God and that is hell. God does not send us to hell. He wants a relationship with each and every person and for all to come to the knowledge of the truth. But He leaves that up to us!

What do you think?

Works Cited
1, Matthew J. Slick, B.A., M. Div.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Crazy Week

After being in Mexico for a week, then Baton Rouge for a couple of days, I feel like I'm going crazy attempting to catch up. My life flashes before my eyes as every time I accomplish one thing I find two more that need to be done. It's the tyranny of the urgent around here today. Maybe I can give you a little more meaty blog next week. Pray for me Christ followers!

Friday, April 10, 2009


I'm prepping for Easter and my trip to Reynosa, Mexico on Sunday. I love Easter and I love mission trips. What a great day to do both! Pray for me while I'm gone April 12-17. Pray for my family as they keep things going without me. I'll try to keep ya updated! Have a great celebration of life through the resurrection!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

New Stuff

As I said in my last post, I am busily getting the new web site ready. I think it is very cool. One of the things we will have on the front page is Google Friend Connect. It's a way to connect with other people on the site through your Google or Yahoo login. We will also have a wall for you to talk about what's on your mind. Lots of new features to check out. Hopefully, the site will be up by May. Let me get back to work...

Friday, March 13, 2009

New Project

I have a new project on my plate these days. I am redesigning our web site. It is my new hobby. Greg did a lot of the design work and I am working on the implementation. I work on it during most of my free time. I will say I love doing this stuff but it drives me crazy as well. I'm back to working on the site... talk to ya later!

Thursday, February 19, 2009


As I've been studying and teaching through the first part of the book of Genesis, I've found a stark contrast of actions. People either choose to follow God or choose to follow their own agenda. Not much has changed since the beginning of the world.

Where is your focus? It it on your agenda or God's agenda? God has this awesome plan and, believe it or not, He doesn't need any help from you to accomplish it. His plan is the best plan for you.

Have you ever tried to convince God to follow your agenda? It never works well that way. He has the plan and reveals it to us as our life unfolds in Him. Wow! I don't even have to think up great things to do for God! He has the plan and reveals it to me. It does get any better than that.

Are you willing to give up you rights and your agenda in order to follow the one who loves you so much and would never do you harm? The only thing we have that God wants is our hearts to be totally surrendered to Him? Are you ready to give it up?

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Change is Good

The past few weeks God has been impressing on my heart the reality of change. Some people hate change and some like it. I am in the latter group.

Change is about the only thing you can be sure of. If you are not changing, you are not growing as a person or spiritually with God. Change is a fact of life.

God is preparing us for more changes. He is beginning to reveal some of them to me and it is not all going to be easy... imagine that. BUT, it will be the best thing because God is leading us into the changes.

Thursday, February 5, 2009


Went to the New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary (NOBTS) this afternoon. I always get nostalgic when I go on campus. Lots of good memories. I try to forget the bad ones.

I was able to see a lot of old friends and catch up on things. Went by and talked to my friend Clay Corvin for a while. He has a great heart! I was able to see several seminary students affiliated with Riverside: Greg, Meagan, Mike Elmore, Joe Marsh, Will Brock, and others.

As much as I love the seminary, I'm glad I'm not going to school any more. It tires me out just to think about it. It was great to see everyone but I'm glad to be back at Riverside. Home sweet home.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Focused on the Big Picture

So many times, I am so focused on the now that I can't possibly concentrate on the direction God is leading for the future. I am realizing that I have been in just such a mode. Just as in any incorrect thinking, realizing I have a problem is the first step toward heading in the right direction.

Our new Leadership Team is taking some things off of me that will give me more time to focus on the big picture... direction for Riverside in the future. God is moving in so many wonderful ways. He is changing lives all around.

God is stirring up some things in my heart that I know will not be easy to achieve. But when God leads us to do something, there sometimes is no "easy button." Although sometimes difficult because we have to change, God's way is the way to go every time. That's where we are headed!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Sad Week

This last week has been hard. One of my good friends and neighbor, Terry Terranova, passed away. He was 92 years old so he had a good, long life. Ms. Gerry, his wife, is left to navigate life without him. They had been married 59 years. That is a long time! Pray for the Terranova family and Ms. Gerry in particular. Pray for opportunities for us to minister to her and the rest of our neighbors.

God just keeps opening up great things at Riverside. Though I have not been an active participant, groups of Riversideians are going to the highways and byways to take blankets and other warm essentials to our city's homeless. It's a great time for it considering the freezing temperatures at night these days.

God continues to bring many new families to Riverside through relationships. What a great way to grow the Kingdom. God's way. Time to go.... Have a great week!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

I'm Lovin it!

I love what I do. It's sometimes hard, sometimes frustrating, and sometimes I want to quit but I love it. When you are doing exactly what God has prepared for you, you can't help but love it! Even though much of it is hard, most of it is fulfilling and rewarding. When God is living through you as you, you get to see God do a lot of great stuff.

Point: This week I've had to have a hard discussion with someone.
Counterpoint: This week I was there when God brought two children into His Kingdom
Point: We've recently had to make some tough financial decisions that affect people.
Counterpoint: I was able to meet with our two newest members, Mike and Jackie, and enjoy sharing the mission and vision God has given us. And I just enjoyed talking to them.

You see, it's not all fun and games but it is an exciting life! I'm lovin it!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Happy New Year (How Original!)

Everyone is wishing each other a "Happy New Year." In general, people are wishing each other well for the new year. At this time of year, I get very reflective. I look back on what God has done in the past year and look ahead to what He has in store for 2009.

2008 was a year of great transition for Riverside. God's mission and vision are piercing the hearts of members. God is using the body at Riverside to reach out to a hurting world.

One big challenge that was accomplished in 2008 was the passage of our new constitution and bylaws. These changes will free us to do ministry in a more productive and efficient manner.

The US (and world) economy tanked in 2008. This provides challenges for God's people as we remain faithful in hard economic times. 2009 will be full of challenges.

2009 promises to be a year of faith and great challenges. God is showing me that we need to effectively keep our focus on Him and allow Him to use us to reach others. 2009 is going to be great! Are you part of the uprising of God's people? if not, why not?