Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas 2008

Well, once again Christmas is upon us. Our family had a great time sharing Christmas Eve with our neighbors. They invited us to come and be a part of their family's Christmas Eve celebration. It was awesome to watch the joy of all the children opening their presents and just enjoying the time. The food was great and the company was exceptional. Our family was very honored to be invited to this gathering.

Christmas morning starts with one of my favorite family traditions... we read the Christmas story as found in Luke. This year, Jman and me shared the reading. Christmas truly is Jesus. Opening presents is the next family event. What a great time seeing the kids open their presents, from IPods to CD's. I love watching the kids.

Finally, Christmas would not be complete at the Caldwell's without Christmas brunch. Once again the wonderful smells and tastes of brunch fill the air and eventually my stomach. I am sitting here as full as can be content and comtemplating the blessings of my life in Christ. I look forward to what God has coming next!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Sickness in Paradise

I do not have time for this. I am one of many with a sinus infection dragging me down. I finally take a vacation day and I am SICK. Oh well, at least I get to rest.

We had a great Wednesday night. Our preschoolers sang and then we divided into groups and went Christmas caroling in our neighborhood. Most of the people were very receptive. It was a great time of sharing the good news of Christmas with our community. We connected with people in a different way.

We adopted a new constitution and bylaws this past weekend. God led us to do it and He was faithful to see it through. We will now operate much more efficiently and be even better stewards of the resources God gives us.

It's great to be a part of His Kingdom work. Riverside is filled with people letting God use them. Why don't you come and be a part!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Snow in New Orleans?!

This is personally the first time I have ever seen snow in New Orleans. I'd heard about previous snowfalls but had never experienced it myself. It is beautiful even if it's only sticking to the yards and houses.

I heard a radio host say that the snow here (earliest snow in New Orleans since records have been kept) is a sign from God that the Saints are going to beat the cold weather Chicago Bears tonight in Chicago (which has no snow today). I don't buy it but it proves that many people are very superstitious.

I've gone to the hospitals this morning (in the snow) and been home studying. God always keeps the Scriptures I'll be preaching each Sunday on my mind all week. This week, God keeps resounding in my head, "All things are possible through Me." Can't wait for Sunday!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Ministry is Messy

Man.... when you really get out into the world and start to deal with people's real life problems, it get messy. From trying to get someone into rehab to dealing with someone on the issue of premarital sex and other life issues... it gets really messy.

That's one of the reasons I love Riverside. We've got a bunch of people there that aren't afraid to get their hands dirty. They jump into this crazy ministry to people and leave the results to Jesus. It is awesome! It is also an emotional roller coaster with lots of highs and just as many lows. At times rewarding, at times defeating. That's what a real relationship with God played out in a hurting world looks like.

I wouldn't trade it for anything. God is moving at Riverside. Are you in the messiness of ministry?

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Saturday Morning Ponderings

What a great one year anniversary for Celebrate Recovery. We had over 120 people at Celebrate Recovery last night! What an awesome night. Thanks to the Palmer's for their leadership. We had some new faces and some familiar faces and a great turkey dinner thanks to the Marquez's and crew.

I am so grateful to a church family that supports ministries like Celebrate Recovery. Riverside is a great place to be. God is moving!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Ramblings of a SWMCFP

I am a SWMCF (Straight White Male Christ Following Pastor). The last few weeks have been unbelievable... from Gustav to Ike; crazy to crazier. Satan is "throwing down" on Riverside Church right now. He is attacking from inside and out.

I began to put some of these burdens on my shoulders earlier this week. It did not work out well. God showed me how to just keep giving it to Him instead of taking it on myself. It is amazing how much better things turn out when God is in control. In His power, I am sure anything can be handled. In my own power, I am helpless. Ever felt that way? Reply and let me know. TTYL

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Thoughts About Gustav

Hurricane season is difficult for those who live in the gulf coast region. The physical and mental stress of evacuating your home takes a huge toll on the residents. As I write, a rain band from Hurricane Ike is bringing a deluge. Thankfully, we look to be safe from the wrath of this major storm.

Myself and five cars worth of staff and church members, headed to Picayune, MS on Sunday, August 31st. We waited the storm out Sunday night. Monday (the day Gustav was hitting the area hardest), we decided to take a ride to Hattiesburg, MS to go to the Walmart to stock up on food. It was an hours ride away but worth it for the haul we brought back. The ride was quite adventurous, trees down along I-59. Pretty big wind gusts and me watching for falling trees coming our way. I thought we had made it through the worst when we arrived back in Picayune, but I was mistaken.

After a couple of minutes back from our trip to Walmart, we decided to go to Covington and stay at the LazyBoy store (owned by the Marquez's who were with us). Through rain and wind, our five car caravan made it to Covington only to find no electricity. Some idiot in our group said we should attempt to make it back to our church because it still had power (We kept calling the church phone number and kept getting the answering machine so we knew there was power).

As Gustav was hitting Baton Rouge, we were on I-12 in Hammond getting on to I-55 to bring us home. This put us on the southeast side of the storm. The wind was unbelieable. I guesstimate we were in some 70mph winds driving at 70mph. My car was roaming all over the interstate without me moving the steering wheel. We did make it back to Jefferson Parish. The storm was still finishing its path through the parish so the police had not yet blocked all the roads coming in. We made it home without a scratch. God sometimes protects even idiots like me who suggest coming home in the middle of a hurricane!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

On My Last Post...

On my last post, I revealed that I was truly a pastor. It was hard as I was having conversations with those outside the church. It was awesome.

At the end of my post, I asked people from outside the church to contact me. I wanted to have conversations with them. But NO ONE replied. That's what always happens when people find out my title.

I'm still here... not looking to judge but to have real life conversations. Is there anyone out there who will take me up on it?

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Coming Clean

OK. I am a pastor. I said it. I want to be able to have conversations with people outside the the realm of Christianity and just talk to them. But when they find out I am a pastor it is like I have a disease. A whole bunch of preconceived ideas of what a pastor is like put up this huge wall between us. That's why I really like the thought of being a life coach. That is what I really do. I help people understand how to guide their lives from a spiritual perspective.

I am not here to force my views on anyone. I am here to have conversations with people and love them whether they believe what I believe or not. Will anyone outside conventional Christianity be my friend? I want to hear from you.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Hello, my name is Jim and I am a computer geek...

I love technology. I am always after the latest, greatest thing. I have to admit, I love web based tools over desktop based software. With the explosion of super high speed internet for almost everyone, web based seems like the future to me.

I am an early adopter when it comes to technology. I love to be the first. I have found three great tools to connect with people and I want you to check them out as well.
1) Facebook - What a great way to have a network of friends to connect and communicate. The more I use it, the most I see it's value. What a great tool to build relationships with people in this fast paced society.
2) Remember the Milk - I wanted a web based task list and I found it. This baby is awesome for keeping track of my tasks via computer or mobile phone. It even integrates into Firefox and Google calendar.
3) Twitter - I just signed up for this one today. Twitter answers the question, "what are you doing?" Interesting web based thought process. I'll have to use it more (and have more friends) to know if I am really going to like it.

I am always looking for new ways to have conversations with people. These new ways are expanding my personal network and giving me a voice in places I never had one before. Isn't technology awesome! Want to be my friend in Facebook or Twitter me?

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Hurts, Habits, and Hangups

Do you have any hurts, habits, or hangups that interfere in your ability to live a meaningful, abundant life? There is a great opportunity to connect with others in a similar situation and connect with God.

This opportunity is called Celebrate Recovery and it is held each Friday night at Riverside Church in the suburbs of New Orleans. If you're in the area, stop by and see us. You can also find out more about us at this link.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Monday Morning Images

A weekend of images... a believer couple that end up in the hospital at the same time... the birth of a believer's baby... a bad summer cold... coaching my son in baseball... coaching my daughter in softball... an afternoon and evening hanging out with other believers at the park... great live band music... homemade ice cream... kids laughing and screaming... adults laughing and screaming... a pickle throwing contest?... Giving cards and presents to my awesome wife with the kids... Arise worship... Celebration worship... baptism of a new believer... lunch at Copeland's... giving my father-in-law a shave and a haircut... collapsing at home on Sunday night...

These are the images of life for me this weekend. I wouldn't trade it for anything!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

What's the Difference Between Life and Religion?

I see so much being done in the name of religion today. From the "Christian Right" to an Islamic Jihad on America, most of religion is bad news. Why?

Because religion, no matter which one, attempts to make people right with God by what you do. Therefore, the "Religious Right" are only known for what they are against. Muslims calling for a jihad on America are doing the same thing. We only know that they hate America.

Religion is for the uninformed. People are prone to want to follow a set of rules and regulations to fit with a particular people group. I would dare to say that if I had been born into an Islamic culture I might be fighting against America too. It is because religion, no matter how noble, always leads to death and destruction.

What God promised through His Son, Jesus Christ, is life for those who give up their lives to take on Christ's life. It is no longer about feebly attempting to keep a set of rules and regulations. It is no longer about what you do but whose you are. When the real Jesus Christ comes into your life you change. And in that change you no longer live your own life but you express the life of the one who lives inside you. This is no religion. This is a relationship with the God of the universe who loves you. No rules, just right!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Thinking About the Future

In my position as a life coach, I must always be looking ahead. Where is our culture headed? How do I guide people from where they are (their point of reference) through a journey that engages them to the depths of their soul (mind, will, and emotions) and spirit? Culture and the way people think are changing so rapidly that I will not even be on their radar if I try to do things the way they have always been done (tradition).

I must find new ways to connect with people. I must find new methods to engage them in new conversations.

I am a follower of the living Jesus. He guides my path. He instructs me. But so many today find that the conversation about Jesus is irrelevant. I will tell you that the way much of Christianity has painted Jesus, I would not want to be a part of it either. But when I talk about the real Jesus, the one who invades lives and gives real meaning and purpose... there is a great conversation waiting for those who will put aside the labels and preconceived ideas about Jesus and His followers.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Emotions Sometimes Rule, But They Lie

Have you ever let your emotions rule your day (or week or life). Emotions are just responders to what is going on around us. They sometimes lie.

I have had one of those weeks so far. I keep hearing all kinds of negative things going on. In my day to day ops as a life coach, many want to drag you down. The "me first" mentality of western culture has oozed into the life I have been blogging about. You can't mix real life with a "me-first" mentality. They are like oil and water. They don't mix well.

I let my emotions get away with responding to the negativity that has been going on the past few days and it takes me to a place I don't like. Thinking thoughts that are not true. Belieiving the worst instead of believing the truth. Rating my ability as a life coach on what my people look like instead of basing it on my obedience to the truth.

When I get adjusted toward myself being my point of reference, I have to do a reality check. Not of seen reality but of unseen reality. I have to go back to the unseen reality that God has put in my heart and believe that over what I see or feel. The Book says, "...Those who enter into Christ’s being-here-for-us no longer have to live under a continuous, low-lying black cloud. A new power is in operation. The Spirit of life in Christ, like a strong wind, has magnificently cleared the air, freeing you from a fated lifetime of brutal tyranny at the hands of sin and death."

I love truth!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Life on the Edge

Religion bores me. In fact, more than that, it infuriates me. Religious people are mean or boring or both. Who needs that? I want a fulfilled life not ruled by the religious.

Experience Life. I shared in my last post that I had found the secret and that a dull, boring life is no longer an option. The secret has a lot to do with what really happened on that original Easter morning.

What does Easter mean to you? Easter egg hunts for the kids? Gifts? Chocolate bunnies? Spring break? A bunch of religious stuff you do because you've always done it? OR, does it mean something else?

Many religious people celebrate Easter with much pomp and fanfare. Most of them don't really know the secret. They act like they have something they really don't have ... life. A meaningful and free life... they don't have it.

But I found the secret. It is not in religion (can u tell?). It does have everything to do with what happened on that first Easter morning. When Jesus rose from the dead (one of the most attested historical facts from that era), it changed the world forever. Because of Jesus' sacrifice and His bodily resurrection, He conquered sin and death. We now can have an intimate personal relationship with the God of the universe through His Son, Jesus Christ. And it's His life that comes into us when we receive Him that empowers us to live an unbelievably fun, fulfilling, and exciting life. There is never a dull moment when we have that intimate relationship.

Most religious people think they have something that they really don't have. They think they are better than everyone else. But they don't know the secret. Knowing Christ sets us free from many things including those religious folks that give true Christ followers a bad name. Knowing Christ is really living a life on the edge. More to come next week...

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Welcome to My World!

Experience Life. I have been talking about it for three years now. I see so many people who struggle to just make it through life. People searching for that next latest greatest thing that is going to make their lives wonderful. But emptiness is all that is routinely found. I want everyone to know that the status quo life is no longer acceptable to me. I found the secret and want to share it with you. More to come next week.